Chinese Herbal Medicine provides individualized herbal treatment plans based on each patient’s needs. Patients incorporate herbal treatments as needed for preventing, treating and recovering from both acute and chronic health conditions. Raw herbs, liquid concentrates, capsules and granular formulas are available. Greenhouse practitioners will make a plan for you that suits your health goals, your preferred way to take herbs and your budget. Many patients use herbal medicine to ward off colds when they are run down, to treat menstrual irregularities and pain, headaches, digestive problems, seasonal allergies, stress and anxiety. And for injuries, herbal medicine can be extremely effective in both soothing pain and promoting effective healing to avoid chronic conditions.
20+ years of experience helping patients cultivate wellness with acupuncture and herbal medicine. Currently not booking new patients
Melanie's acupuncture sessions are informed by her 25+ years of experiential knowledge in natural healing, food therapy and movement strategies for vibrant energy.
Ine's purpose is to use her practice of Chinese Medicine to empower and support her clients on their journey towards a life with more peace and less pain.